Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Summer Read's 2013

Sorry for the absences, I have been holiday-ing in the sun for the last 2 weeks, but now I am back with a new post. 
I don't know about everyone but I love to read, and especially on holiday, going to the beach and just reading is great. I bought three books to take away with me this year, I finished all three and enjoyed them all as well. 

Billy and Me: By Giovanna Fletcher

First up, on my reading agenda was Giovanna Fletcher's book 'Billy and Me'. Who, if your a Mcfly fan like my self, is married to front man Tom!
I wanted to read this since I watched Nic, from Pixiwoo talking about it during their video with Giovanna on their Channel. I really enjoyed this book, it was girlie, young fun, but also had a strong story line to it. Billy is the kind of character who, ever girl wishes they had met in a dainty tea room somewhere along the line, it made you identify with the story well. Overall its a easy read, and super enjoyable!

Silver Linings Playbook: By Matthew Quick

I have to admit i picked this up because it had Bradley Cooper on the front. I knew about the film, but had not seen it and did not ever know it was a book first. I really enjoyed Silver linings, however for about 3 quarters of the book it did feel like everything was moving slowly to only for it not to go anywhere, which to an extent it didn't but it had great characters in it and opened my eyes up to how people deal with difficult situations, and that its normally the people who are not directly affected to have more trouble. I would 100% recommended this to anyone, its light and enjoy able but there is depth to it as well, and now I'm dying the see the movie! 

The Bling Ring: By Nancy Jo Sales

This was my most loved out of all three books I read while I was away. Unlike the other two, this was not a story as such, more of a report, of true events. As i am studying to be a journalist myself seeing that the book had been written by Nancy Jo Sales was instantly an attraction for me, check out her article in Vanity Fair 'The Suspect Wore Loubountis' - which is a interview with Alexis Neiers, alleged Bling Ring member, charged with the burglary of Orlando Blooms house in 2009. 
As I'm sure you are aware there is currently a film depicting the events of the 'The Bling Ring', between 2008-2009 a group of teenagers from Los Angeles robbed some of Hollywood's hottest celebrities, taking over $3 million worth of their stuff from watches, a hand gun, luggage, clothes laptops and more. It has information from the official police reports, and from the Bling Ring members themselves, its so interesting, and I would say anyone who is interested in celebrity or just drama, should give this a read, I'm also dying to see the film of this now! 10/10 for the Bling Ring!

What have been your summer must reads?

let me know if you have read any of these or have any suggestions for other great books as well

tweet me



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