Monday, 10 June 2013


Welcome, to my Hairstory, get it, like history but with hair? I thought it was clever! 
I decided to do this hair related post after reading Zoella's Blog post on her most worn hair styles which you can check out Here! I thought I would my hair through the years post! 

First of all, when i was born I had jet black hair, but here where im guessing I am two, maybe, not 100% sure, its quite light, always curly that will be a theme that runs a lot through this post.
Awh, so sweet is little Ella, getting darker. Still curly.
Aged 6, (im just guessing again) longer, still dark, still very much curly! 
Are me and my brother just not the cutest! 
What a smile I must say, still getting longer, still very curly. I never liked my curly hair, i found it annoying hard to do anything with and due to this I tried at all cost not to brush it just because it was so painful, pulling on the tangles and the curls, this lead to me about 4 years later having all my nice long hair CHOPPED, to a bob by my Mummy, this is something I have never forgiven her for. 
Skipping a good few years forward here, i think this was either year 9 or year 10, I'm going to go with year 9, maybe 10. Cant decided. As you can still see my hair is super dark, i went through a hair dying phase from around 13 years old when i had my first highlights and low lights done, i did look a little like a hot dog with mustard and ketchup, i rocked it though, to very very dark.

I also was bought for my 13th birthday, GHDS. These were like the hair God coming to me! I started to straighten my hair, as well as my confidence growing from the use of wonderful god sent product, that is GHD's. 
This is my Year 11 prom, as you can see I have banished my super dark hair and have moved back to lighter ways, with blond highlights....core bad split ends there at the bottom. I've never been a big hair cut fan, takes me so long to grow it, to chop it off in under half an hour seems very unfair. I can never decided whether i like my hair light or dark, a constant hair battle.
This picture was taken beginning of year 12, at my brothers Bar-mitzvah (A Jewish celebration of a boy turning 13 years old) This is one of my favourite pictures of all time, back to brown again, and straight of course. I love the length the style just two thumbs up for this hair!
Within 2 months, we were being dyed again, Cheryl Cole red this time. (check out Cheryl's red locks Here!) Must say I am a massive Cheryl fan, music hair the lot! I super loved having this colour, but it is so hard to maintain I found that my hair started to grow out quite quickly and although i loved it, it was far too much hassle. 
And shock, we are back to brown again, I think i always revert back to brown just because I cant seem to fault it and nothing goes wrong with it! Still a nice long-ish length. 
This was taken at my 18th Birthday, note the hair is getting longer woowoo! I really like this colour, yes I know it is still very much brown its one of the warmer shades I have had put in. Did not stay for too long though.
Hello Caramelly blondy-ish no longer brown hair! I loved so much having my hair like this, it was good for spring summer, it was different to something I had before, however after i returned home from my holiday in France, that sun we all love to be slaves too had not done wonders to me hair, I was practically a dodgy shade of ginger, like gingerbread man ginger, was not good. 

And so, we land in current day, yes 10/6/13 taken today, we are back to brown, just made life so much easier, despite really liking the idea of going light again like i the picture above!
Still nice a long which is what i love, cant see me ever cutting it short to be honest!

I would love to hear your hair stories, or any recommendations for new hair colours to try!
tweet me


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