Tuesday, 8 October 2013

A Posh Day Out: Chelsea & Kennedy

As it was my daddy's birthday this week and we are both history buffs, I saw that in my InStyle magazine there was a exhibition on in Chelsea of pictures taken by Jacques Lowe of intimate pictures of JFK, his family and his time in offices before his assination.

The pictures themselves were amazing, and the saying is true that a picture speaks a thousand words and how talented Lowe was. The sadness came more from his story than the pictures of Kennedy. Lowe stored his collection of over 40,000 negatives in a safe in JP Morgan at the World Trade Centre. Lowe died In May 2001, five months later 9/11 happened, destroying all the photo's, Lowe's daughter actually debating going down to try and rescue her fathers work. After the attack they found the safe where the negatives had been stored, with the safe perfectly in Tact, however all the contense inside had been burned to ashes due to the heat.
The pictures at the exhibition were all that the Lowe family had left.

After we saw the exhibition we wondered down the Kings Road and towards the Saatchi Gallery for afternoon tea, oh yes we went very posh in Chelsea, which was so lovely and a amazing place to people watch, something I'm secretly a massive fan of doing. Always fun putting stories to people.

Some of the building themselves along the King's Road, are stunning even though they are just stores, I had to take some time for them, along with this amazing perfumery that I saw, as a little girl I was a very keen Ballet dancer and had a massive obsession with Point Ballet shoes, and the window display in this perfumery was just my heaven.

It was such a nice day, and driving back through the centre of London, down the embankment, past parliament square, Big Ben along with taking a little peak down Downing Street. As someone who has lived in London all my life there is so much to do, even the obvious tourist stuff that I haven't done. 

Have you had any nice day's out recently, if so or know anywhere let me know!



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